Keep up to date with the latest vehicles on the market by saving your Auto Trader search. You will then receive emails at your chosen frequency notifying you of new vehicles online so that you can stay in the loop with the best deals from over 33,000+ online.
How to save your search on a Desktop:
Step 1: From the homepage select the vehicle/s that you are in the market for. For the purpose of this guide, let’s look for some Ute options. As you can see below I have selected Ford Ranger, Toyota Hilux and Volkswagen Amarok. After this I can select ‘Search’.
Step 2: Once you have selected ‘Search’, you will then be taken to the search results page. At the top of this page, you will see the ‘Save this search’ button which you can now select.
Step 3: You will then be given some options of the frequency in which you would like to receive your saved search notifications. You can select these and then click ‘Add to saved search’.
How to save your search on Mobile:
Step 1: Setting up saved searches from your mobile is very similar to setting them up on desktop. The first step is making sure that you are logged in and going to the Auto Trader homepage. Once there, you can click on the red ‘Search Cars’ button.
Step 2: The next step is to select the vehicle/s that you are in the market for. For the purpose of this guide, let’s look for some Ute options. As you can see below I have selected Ford Ranger, Toyota Hilux and Volkswagen Amarok. After this I can select ‘Done’.
Step 3: The next step is to select the ‘Save this search’ button on the search results page.
Step 4: Finally, you will be given the same options as on desktop to select the frequency that you would like to receive your saved search notifications. You can then click ‘Add to saved search’.
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