Give way rule changes working well three months in.

AutoTrader NZ
Published 3 September 2020

“Drivers around the country have risen to the challenge and the naysayers who predicted widespread chaos and confusion have well and truly been proven wrong,” says Mr Bridges.

“It is clear that drivers have responded to the changes with patience, caution and courtesy. While it will take some time before the new rules become second nature, I believe that things can continue to go smoothly.”

Results from an NZTA-commissioned survey of 1,000 drivers carried out in April showed high levels of awareness and understanding of the rule changes, with 90 per cent of respondents choosing the correct option when asked which vehicle gives way at an uncontrolled T intersection – compared with 61 per cent of respondents who answered correctly when surveyed in February. For the right-hand turn rule, 89 per cent answered correctly in the April survey compared with 74 per cent in February.

“I challenge Kiwi drivers to stay vigilant at intersections and avoid slipping back into old habits.”

Information on the two new rules remains available at: