Mobil launches biodiesel

Auto Trader NZ
Published 3 September 2020

The company is trialling a B5 diesel blend, containing 5% biodiesel derived from tallow, at two service stations in the Bay of Plenty. They are at the corner of Fenton and Te Ngae Roads in Rotorua, and at the corner 10th Avenue and Cameron Road in Tauranga.

The biodiesel blend sells for the same price as ordinary diesel.     

Mobil B5 Diesel meets the New Zealand specifications for conventional diesel. Mobil says it is suitable for use in most diesel vehicles.

However, some vehicle manufacturers may not endorse the use of tallow-based biodiesel due to concerns about its performance in cold temperatures, which could lead to fuel system blockages.

It is recommended that owners check with the vehicle manufacturer to verify their car’s suitability to run on Mobil B5 Diesel.

It is also not advisable to use biodiesel in recreational boats.