Teng Tools joins new custom car show at CRC Speedshow

Auto Trader NZ
Published 3 September 2020

CRC Speedshow takes place at the ASB Showgrounds in Auckland’s Greenlane over the weekend of 20 and 21 July, and the new Castrol EDGE / Teng Tools Custom and Classic Show will be part of the annual automotive extravaganza.

CRC Speedshow director Ross Prevette welcomes the team from Teng Tools, which are imported and distributed in New Zealand by ISL Industrial Ltd.

Prevette says: “With Teng Tools now joining Castrol EDGE to help us create an amazing array of the best American, European, Japanese and Australian custom and classic cars and bikes, I’m confident we’re on to a winner with this unique custom vehicle event.

“We’re very excited about the calibre of the vehicles being put forward as possible entries by car enthusiasts all over the country – there are some stunning vehicles like the immaculate restored 1959 Chevrolet Impala owned by Aucklander Alex Ross entered in the American stock street machine category.

“We’re also excited about the prize packages for show entrants we’re putting together with the help of Castrol EDGE and Teng Tools – everyone’s keen to make this show a real celebration of the best custom cars in New Zealand.”

Stephen Cole who manages operations, sales and marketing at ISL Industrial comments: “We believe this to be a fantastic opportunity for Teng Tools. With a growing audience of car enthusiasts using Teng products, plus many other automotive and industrial users nation-wide, we know this show will have a wide appeal across all ages. Basically the show ‘fits’ with what Teng is about. Teng Tools are unique in many ways, particularly our fully customisable ‘tool storage system’, when compared to other brands on the market.”

Owners of cars which fit the show’s categories – American and Australian street machines, European and Japanese customs, hot rods, custom pickups and bikes – are invited to visit the CRC Speedshow website, www.speedshow.co.nz, and click on the Castrol EDGE / Teng Tools Custom and Classic Show icon for more information and apply for entry to the show.

This year CRC Speedshow also features the stunning, 24 carat gold-plated American custom-built chopper called Nehme-sis and special 50th anniversary celebrations of Lamborghini and the formation of Bruce McLaren Motor Racing.

News and information about the 2013 CRC Speedshow are regularly updated on the event website, www.speedshow.co.nz, or follow CRC Speedshow on Twitter (https://twitter.com/Speedshow), Facebook (www.Facebook.com/speedshownz) and Pinterest (http://pinterest.com/speedshow/).